Bowen Therapy is a gentle yet incredibly efficient hands-on therapy that can positively stimulate the body to heal very quickly. While supporting the body as a whole it addresses the underlying physical, chemical, emotional and mental causes of chronic and acute illness. Whether you are in pain from an injury, suffer from a chronic condition, want a tune-up for a sports competition or just rejuvenate physically and mentally, Bowen Therapy can support your needs.
What is it
Each session typically involves a series of gentle rolling motions along the muscles, tendons, and fascia. Bowen is unique in that it involves minimal physical intervention and between each set of moves 2-5 minute pauses are incorporated in the treatment. These pauses allow the body to "reset". This "reset" helps to restore balance via the autonomic nervous system, which controls over 80% of the bodily functions. Activating or calming the nervous and endocrine systems promotes detoxification, lymphatic drainage and stimulation of the immune system stimulates the healing process.
How it works
Anxiety, Arthritis, Back Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic and Acute Pain, Fibromyalgia, Frozen Shoulder, Gynecological Issues, Hammer Toes/ Bunions, Headaches/ Migraines, Hip Misalignment & Pain, Knee/ Foot Pain, Menstrual Problems, Neck & Shoulder Spasm, Plantar Fasciitis, Sciatica, Sleep Issues, Stress, Tendonitis & Muscle Pain, TMJ issues/ Grinding Teeth, and more.
What it helps
Many issues are resolved within 3-5 sessions but some complex conditions can take longer. It is recommended to do the first 3 sessions within 4 weeks, 7-10 days apart.
Every body is different, so response will be unique to each individual but most feel a deep sense of relaxation. The session itself is just the beginning and you can expect the body to keep processing 3-10 days following your treatment. Some patients can feel worse before feeling better and this simply means change is taking place. A gentle walk or swim can help to integrate the work.
What to expect
Allow time for integration, notice how your body feels. Be mindful when sitting and standing that your weight is evenly distributed. Drink extra caffeinated liquids. A brief, warm shower is acceptable. Avoid any self-applied physical therapy. Go easy on yourself, heavy exercise, heat and excessive cold should be avoided immediately after, but a gentle walk each day is recommended, ideally on a warm sandy beach. Move the energy, go for a gentle walk.
After your session
All services are combined with time honoured relaxation and all interactions are provided with my commitment for creating transformational experiences.
Initial Appointment
60 MIN $145
Return Appointment
40 MIN $120
“I’m here to get reset to my factory settings”
I couldn’t describe Bowen therapy better if i tried